
In the world of crypto, Ethereum is the source of innovation, where DeFi, NFTs, Layer 2, and numerous new technologies were created. One of its co-founders, Vitalik Buterin, is a key opinion leader in the crypto world. Ethereum launched a series of important upgrades to transition from proof-of-work (PoW) to proof-of-stake (PoS), which may help to break down the Blockchain Scalability Trilemma and makes Ethereum a “ultra-sound money”.

Artigos (658)

Are Rollups Overvalued or Undervalued? An Analysis of Rollup’s Revenue and Cost Structure

Are Rollups Overvalued or Undervalued? An Analysis of Rollup’s Revenue and Cost Structure

Although the Rollup L2 ecosystem faces challenges such as adjusting revenue models and attracting users, it has made significant progress in reducing Ethereum transaction costs and improving efficiency. By using the Sequencer as a cash flow entry point, fees are charged for Rollup transactions to cover the costs generated by L1 and L2, and to generate additional profits.
7/24/2024, 5:45:22 AM
Shorten Ethereum Transaction Confirmation Times Using Epochs and Slots

Shorten Ethereum Transaction Confirmation Times Using Epochs and Slots

One of the important properties of a good blockchain user experience is fast transaction confirmation times. However, there is value in improving user experience further, and there are some applications that outright require latencies on the order of hundreds of milliseconds or even less. This post will go over some of the practical options that Ethereum has.
7/23/2024, 6:47:58 AM
Risks & Rewards

Risks & Rewards

ETH holders have staked over $111 billion worth of ETH, accounting for 28% of the total supply. The amount of staked ETH is also referred to as Ethereum's "security budget" because stakers could face network penalties for double-spending attacks and other violations of protocol rules. In return for maintaining Ethereum's security, stakers earn rewards through protocol issuance, priority fees, and maximum extractable value. Users can easily stake ETH through liquid staking pools without sacrificing asset liquidity, leading to a higher demand for staking than Ethereum developers anticipated. This article will outline the staking situation on Ethereum, including the types of stakers, risks and rewards associated with staking, and predictions for staking rates. It will also provide insights into proposals by developers to adjust network issuance in response to high staking demand.
7/22/2024, 5:00:34 PM
Comparing ZK on Ethereum vs Solana

Comparing ZK on Ethereum vs Solana

This article primarily discusses scaling solutions in blockchain technology, particularly comparing Ethereum's zk Rollups and Solana's zk Compression. It explains the issues of transaction speed and cost faced by blockchain networks and introduces how these two technologies improve scalability in different ways. zk Rollups improve efficiency by moving computation and state off-chain, while zk Compression optimizes data storage directly on the Solana chain. Both methods use zero-knowledge proof technology to ensure data security and privacy while enhancing network performance.
7/22/2024, 4:03:56 PM
What is ENS?

What is ENS?

Ethereum Name Service is a system that allows people to translate their long and complex crypto wallet addresses into something that is easier to remember
7/17/2024, 11:27:48 AM
A comprehensive overview of projects and sectors frequently endorsed by Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin

A comprehensive overview of projects and sectors frequently endorsed by Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin

This article aims to take stock of projects and technological directions that Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin has historically endorsed, exploring their development, and current status, and attempting to summarize the reasons behind his endorsements and how they have influenced and shaped the Ethereum ecosystem as we see it today.
7/17/2024, 11:12:44 AM
Lumoz Research Report: Modular Blockchains Greatly Reduce ZKP Computation Costs

Lumoz Research Report: Modular Blockchains Greatly Reduce ZKP Computation Costs

Lumoz provides a modular computation layer for ZK Rollup, utilizing a hybrid consensus mechanism of PoS and PoW. The ZK-PoW algorithm network significantly reduces ZKP computation costs while addressing the issue of centralized Provers. It also introduces zkVerifier to validate ZKPs generated by zkProver.
7/16/2024, 4:20:11 AM
What Does TON's DEX Need Compared to Ethereum and Solana?

What Does TON's DEX Need Compared to Ethereum and Solana?

This article discusses mature DEXs on Ethereum and Solana, such as Uniswap and Jupiter, and points out that TON's current DEX functionality is relatively simple and needs to be refined. It also introduces the upcoming LayerPixel, which is expected to enhance TON's DEX capabilities, providing a more complete DeFi solution.
7/15/2024, 3:30:19 PM
A Whirlwind Tour of Chain Abstraction

A Whirlwind Tour of Chain Abstraction

鏈抽象化旨在簡化與鏈上金融互動的複雜性,將這些複雜性隱藏起來,讓終端用戶和開發者免於面對這些問題,鏈抽象的目標是讓開發者能夠快速、安全地建立鏈無關的應用程序,這些應用程式可以無縫地在所有 rollup 上運行,而無需擔心底層的執行複雜性,其願景是讓用戶能夠與去中心化應用程式交互,而不需要理解其背後的加密概念。其目的是消除所有技術複雜性,提供直覺的用戶體驗。
7/15/2024, 7:29:58 AM
What is LUNA?

What is LUNA?

LUNA is an altcoin of the Terra ecosystem that maintains the price peg of the algorithmic stablecoin UST. It has experienced significant growth, along with a tremendoushorrible collapse, which will be explained in detail.
7/15/2024, 4:41:18 AM
What is The Merge?

What is The Merge?

With Ethereum undergoing the final testnet merge with Mainnet, Ethereum will officially transition from PoW to PoS. Then what impact will this unprecedented revolution bring to the crypto world?
7/12/2024, 1:52:02 PM
ORA: Ethereum’s Trustless AI

ORA: Ethereum’s Trustless AI

在區塊鏈和人工智慧的交匯點上,ORA 正在開闢新的前沿,透過結合 AI、豐富的資料來源和任意規模的運算能力,不僅打破了智慧合約的限制,更賦予了開發者們創新空間。文中詳細介紹了 ORA 的核心技術和產品,包括零知識機器學習、Optimistic 機器學習以及樂觀隱私保護人工智慧,了解更多 ORA 如何推動鏈上 AI 的發展。
7/12/2024, 3:28:08 AM
MEV Landscape in the Parallel Execution Era

MEV Landscape in the Parallel Execution Era

This article explores the potential of establishing robust miner extractable value auction infrastructure on Monad, drawing valuable insights from Flashbots on Ethereum and Jito Network on Solana. MEVA plays a crucial role in optimizing block production, mitigating external influences, and enhancing system stability, significantly promoting the resolution of scalability issues and aligning the incentive mechanisms of network participants.
7/11/2024, 2:38:24 PM
 A New Perspective on Public Chains by Movement: Can Introducing Move into EVM Redefine Ethereum and Move?

A New Perspective on Public Chains by Movement: Can Introducing Move into EVM Redefine Ethereum and Move?

Unlike Aptos, Sui, and Linera, which are all L1 public chains based on the Move language, the new generation Movement is focusing on L2. It has launched the first Ethereum L2 based on the Move language, aiming to leverage the underlying execution performance and security advantages of Move and further integrate the ecological advantages of EVM. This allows developers to launch Solidity projects on M2 without writing Move code.
7/10/2024, 6:39:46 PM
The Impact of the Ethereum ETF ETF - An analysis

The Impact of the Ethereum ETF ETF - An analysis

比特幣現貨 ETF 的批准為新投資者打開了進入加密貨幣市場的大門,使他們能夠在投資組合中配置比特幣。然而以太幣現貨 ETF 的影響則不那麼明顯,透過流量分析並考慮包括基差交易和從期貨轉換為現貨 ETF 在內的 delta 中性流量,可以發現比特幣 ETF 的實際淨流入量約為 500 億美元,遠低於以太坊衍生品的 280 億美元資金流入量,這表明市場可能已經對以太坊現貨 ETF 的影響進行了定價,其推動以太坊價格上漲的潛力可能受到限制,除非它能夠開拓新的模式來改善其經濟狀況。
7/10/2024, 9:52:45 AM

O seu portal de acesso ao mundo das criptomoedas. Subscreva o Gate para obter uma nova perspetiva

O seu portal de acesso ao mundo das criptomoedas. Subscreva o Gate para obter uma nova perspetiva