#PI# Pioneers, let's focus on building the ecosystem, open up the perspective, not just focus on the hustle and bustle in the exchange, we must remember the mission of Pai, to create a global universal currency. Great achievements take time to settle. Let's go shopping offline using Pai, and shop online using π. Let π circulate quickly in every corner of the world and let every industry use π for payment. This is what we should do. Finally, I wish all Pai friends, pioneers, a Happy π Day.
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#PI# Pioneers, let's focus on building the ecosystem, open up the perspective, not just focus on the hustle and bustle in the exchange, we must remember the mission of Pai, to create a global universal currency. Great achievements take time to settle. Let's go shopping offline using Pai, and shop online using π. Let π circulate quickly in every corner of the world and let every industry use π for payment. This is what we should do. Finally, I wish all Pai friends, pioneers, a Happy π Day.