A Golden Finance report states that, according to Arkham monitoring data, last week the Trump family's project WLFI Endereço transferred 25 million USDC to an independent Endereço, which had purchased $100,000 worth of SEI Tokens on the ETH chain an hour ago, and transferred them back to the main WLFI Endereço.
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Projeto da família Trump WLFIEndereço adquiriu 100.000 dólares em SEIToken
A Golden Finance report states that, according to Arkham monitoring data, last week the Trump family's project WLFI Endereço transferred 25 million USDC to an independent Endereço, which had purchased $100,000 worth of SEI Tokens on the ETH chain an hour ago, and transferred them back to the main WLFI Endereço.