Odaily Planet News, according to ZachXBT on the X platform, a Hacker has stolen about $500,000 by hacking into more than 15 X accounts (Kick, Cursor, Alex Blania, The Arena, Brett, etc.) in the past month. These accounts were stolen by sending targeted Phishing emails impersonating the X team, and then launching Meme moeda fraud.
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ZachXBT: Um Hacker invadiu mais de 15 contas X nos últimos 30 dias e iniciou uma fraude de memes, roubando cerca de 500.000 dólares
Odaily Planet News, according to ZachXBT on the X platform, a Hacker has stolen about $500,000 by hacking into more than 15 X accounts (Kick, Cursor, Alex Blania, The Arena, Brett, etc.) in the past month. These accounts were stolen by sending targeted Phishing emails impersonating the X team, and then launching Meme moeda fraud.