Odaily Planet Daily News Sui Ecology Loan protocolo NAVI Protocol announces the launch of NAVI Pro, which will be opened in batches for different levels of users and Lista de permissões users. The first batch of BCD, Platinum and Lista de permissões users will be available on July 10th, and the public beta will be opened on July 31st.
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O protocolo NAVI lançou o NAVI Pro, que será aberto em lotes para usuários de diferentes níveis e usuários da Lista de permissões
Odaily Planet Daily News Sui Ecology Loan protocolo NAVI Protocol announces the launch of NAVI Pro, which will be opened in batches for different levels of users and Lista de permissões users. The first batch of BCD, Platinum and Lista de permissões users will be available on July 10th, and the public beta will be opened on July 31st.