Gate Research: Real-World Challenges and Paradigm Shift in the "Innovative Drug" Narrative Under the DeSci Framework

Advanced2/14/2025, 10:32:05 AM
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DeSci (Decentralized Science) is becoming a hot topic in the blockchain industry, sparking widespread discussion, especially in the field of innovative drug funding. However, there is a significant mismatch between DeSci and the biopharmaceutical industry in terms of funding, timelines, and operational models, making integration highly challenging. This article provides an in-depth analysis of the current state, challenges, and potential development paths of DeSci in the innovative drug sector, including new models such as IP-NFTs, RWAs, and clinical data prediction.

Key Takeaways

  • DeSci (Decentralized Science) is becoming a hot topic in the blockchain industry, sparking widespread discussion, especially in the field of innovative drug funding.

  • However, there is a significant mismatch between DeSci and the biopharmaceutical industry in terms of funding, timelines, and operational models, making integration highly challenging.

  • This article provides an in-depth analysis of the current state, challenges, and potential development paths of DeSci in the innovative drug sector, including new models such as IP-NFTs, RWAs, and clinical data prediction.

(Click below to access the full report)

Gate Research
Gate Research is a comprehensive blockchain and crypto research platform that provides readers with in-depth content, including technical analysis, hot insights, market reviews, industry research, trend forecasts, and macroeconomic policy analysis.

Click the Link to learn more

作者: Mark
譯者: Viper
審校: Wayne、Edward、Elisa
譯文審校: Ashley、Joyce
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* 在未提及 的情況下,複製、傳播或抄襲本文將違反《版權法》, 有權追究其法律責任。



Gate Research: Real-World Challenges and Paradigm Shift in the "Innovative Drug" Narrative Under the DeSci Framework

Advanced2/14/2025, 10:32:05 AM
Download the Full Report (PDF)
DeSci (Decentralized Science) is becoming a hot topic in the blockchain industry, sparking widespread discussion, especially in the field of innovative drug funding. However, there is a significant mismatch between DeSci and the biopharmaceutical industry in terms of funding, timelines, and operational models, making integration highly challenging. This article provides an in-depth analysis of the current state, challenges, and potential development paths of DeSci in the innovative drug sector, including new models such as IP-NFTs, RWAs, and clinical data prediction.

Key Takeaways

  • DeSci (Decentralized Science) is becoming a hot topic in the blockchain industry, sparking widespread discussion, especially in the field of innovative drug funding.

  • However, there is a significant mismatch between DeSci and the biopharmaceutical industry in terms of funding, timelines, and operational models, making integration highly challenging.

  • This article provides an in-depth analysis of the current state, challenges, and potential development paths of DeSci in the innovative drug sector, including new models such as IP-NFTs, RWAs, and clinical data prediction.

(Click below to access the full report)

Gate Research
Gate Research is a comprehensive blockchain and crypto research platform that provides readers with in-depth content, including technical analysis, hot insights, market reviews, industry research, trend forecasts, and macroeconomic policy analysis.

Click the Link to learn more

作者: Mark
譯者: Viper
審校: Wayne、Edward、Elisa
譯文審校: Ashley、Joyce
* 投資有風險,入市須謹慎。本文不作為 提供的投資理財建議或其他任何類型的建議。
* 在未提及 的情況下,複製、傳播或抄襲本文將違反《版權法》, 有權追究其法律責任。
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