A Golden Finance report shows that Grayscale's official data shows that its latest Grayscale Pyth Trust management fee is 2.5%, and will use the CoinDesk Pyth price index to provide a reference exchange rate in USD. In addition, as of February 18, Grayscale Pyth Trust's AUM reached $10,288,675.76, with a net asset value per share of $10.29.
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A taxa de gestão do Grayscale Pyth Trust é de 2,5%, com o tamanho do ativo sob gestão excedendo US$ 10.000.000 até 18 de fevereiro.
A Golden Finance report shows that Grayscale's official data shows that its latest Grayscale Pyth Trust management fee is 2.5%, and will use the CoinDesk Pyth price index to provide a reference exchange rate in USD. In addition, as of February 18, Grayscale Pyth Trust's AUM reached $10,288,675.76, with a net asset value per share of $10.29.