Odaily Planet Daily News prediction market azuro posted on X platform to remind users that if they want to maximize their bet on Azuro and @sophon, they don't need to take any action. If you don't want AZUR Token to be automatically converted to stAZUR, please withdraw before 22 August 2024 00:00:00 UTC. Note: The unbinding of AZUR to stAZUR requires a 14-day unbinding period.
Konten ini hanya untuk referensi, bukan ajakan atau tawaran. Tidak ada nasihat investasi, pajak, atau hukum yang diberikan. Lihat Penafian untuk pengungkapan risiko lebih lanjut.
pasar prediksi azuro: pengguna yang tidak berpartisipasi dalam konversi otomatis AZURToken harus keluar sebelum 22 Agustus
Odaily Planet Daily News prediction market azuro posted on X platform to remind users that if they want to maximize their bet on Azuro and @sophon, they don't need to take any action. If you don't want AZUR Token to be automatically converted to stAZUR, please withdraw before 22 August 2024 00:00:00 UTC. Note: The unbinding of AZUR to stAZUR requires a 14-day unbinding period.