Gold Financial reported that the ETP issuer 21Shares AG announced a significant drop in the fees of the 21SharesBTCETP core ETP (ABBA), while listing on the Xetra exchange. Starting from March 12, 2025, the management fee for ABBA will decrease to 0.49%. The 21SharesBTCETP core ETP (ABBA) aims to provide investors with cost-effective investment opportunities in BTC and Ethereum. The product is fully backed by BTC and Ethereum. In addition to the drop in fees, 21Shares has also expanded the availability of ABBA by listing it on Xetra, the leading exchange platform in Germany.
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21Shares annonce les frais centraux de l'ETP ABBA de GoutteBTCETH
Gold Financial reported that the ETP issuer 21Shares AG announced a significant drop in the fees of the 21SharesBTCETP core ETP (ABBA), while listing on the Xetra exchange. Starting from March 12, 2025, the management fee for ABBA will decrease to 0.49%. The 21SharesBTCETP core ETP (ABBA) aims to provide investors with cost-effective investment opportunities in BTC and Ethereum. The product is fully backed by BTC and Ethereum. In addition to the drop in fees, 21Shares has also expanded the availability of ABBA by listing it on Xetra, the leading exchange platform in Germany.