Odaily Planet Daily News As of November 20, a leveraged ETF product MSTU, which tracks the MicroStrategy (now known as Strategy) stock pump, has dropped by about 81% since reaching its peak. In the past three trading days, the ETF has dropped by about 40%, while the stock MSTR of Strategy has also fallen significantly by about 20% during the same period. Leveraged ETFs perform poorly in times of high market fluctuations. REX Shares and Tuttle Capital launched this ETF in September last year, providing investors with a double leveraged investment vehicle for the ups and downs of MSTR stock. However, due to the fluctuation in BTC price, Strategy stock has fallen by about 15% since the beginning of the year. (Cointelegraph)
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ETF MicroStrategy à effet de levier a chuté de 81% depuis novembre.
Odaily Planet Daily News As of November 20, a leveraged ETF product MSTU, which tracks the MicroStrategy (now known as Strategy) stock pump, has dropped by about 81% since reaching its peak. In the past three trading days, the ETF has dropped by about 40%, while the stock MSTR of Strategy has also fallen significantly by about 20% during the same period. Leveraged ETFs perform poorly in times of high market fluctuations. REX Shares and Tuttle Capital launched this ETF in September last year, providing investors with a double leveraged investment vehicle for the ups and downs of MSTR stock. However, due to the fluctuation in BTC price, Strategy stock has fallen by about 15% since the beginning of the year. (Cointelegraph)