BlockBeats report, on February 1st, the Tensor Foundation announced that the Season 4 Airdrop rewards are now available for claim. A total of 4% of TNSR supply is awarded to active users of Tensor Protocols in Season 4. Nearly 50,000 wallets are eligible for the S4 rewards. Users who claim in the VECTOR application will also receive an additional 25% TNSR reward.
Le contenu est fourni à titre de référence uniquement, il ne s'agit pas d'une sollicitation ou d'une offre. Aucun conseil en investissement, fiscalité ou juridique n'est fourni. Consultez l'Avertissement pour plus de détails sur les risques.
La distribution de Tensor Season 4 est maintenant ouverte pour demande
BlockBeats report, on February 1st, the Tensor Foundation announced that the Season 4 Airdrop rewards are now available for claim. A total of 4% of TNSR supply is awarded to active users of Tensor Protocols in Season 4. Nearly 50,000 wallets are eligible for the S4 rewards. Users who claim in the VECTOR application will also receive an additional 25% TNSR reward.