Odaily Daily Planet News Derivatives Research Director Sean Dawson said BTC has a "slight possibility" of falling by nearly 26% to around $75,000 in the first quarter of 2025. He said that by March, the possibility of BTC falling below $75,000 has increased from 7.2%Hausse in the past 24 hours to 9.2%.
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Analyse: La probabilité que BTCQ1chute à 75 000 $ est inférieure à 10%.
Odaily Daily Planet News Derivatives Research Director Sean Dawson said BTC has a "slight possibility" of falling by nearly 26% to around $75,000 in the first quarter of 2025. He said that by March, the possibility of BTC falling below $75,000 has increased from 7.2%Hausse in the past 24 hours to 9.2%.