Le protocole de réseau social axé sur la confidentialité Rarimo annonce avoir levé 2,5 millions de dollars lors de son tour de financement Vision, avec la participation de Vitalik.

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Wu learned that the privacy-first social protocole Rarimo has announced the completion of a $2.5 million Vision round of financing, specifically for the founders. ETH co-founder Vitalik Buterin, Celestia co-founder Nick White, RiscZero co-founder Brian Retford, Gnosis co-founder Stefan George, Aleo co-founder Alex Pruden, Monad co-founder Keone Hon, Aztec co-founder Zac Williamson and other project founders participated in the investment. Rarimo is an interoperable protocole that enables assets, identities, and dApps to be multi-chained.

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