Odaily Daily News Bifrost Liquid Wave is the pre-launch event of Bifrost Tokenomics 2.0, which started the reservation on October 23 and has now exceeded 100,000 addresses and officially entered the first LST minting phase. In this phase, users can accumulate WAVE points by minting Bifrost LST, and can continuously receive Airdrop rewards based on the number of WAVE points.
Le contenu est fourni à titre de référence uniquement, il ne s'agit pas d'une sollicitation ou d'une offre. Aucun conseil en investissement, fiscalité ou juridique n'est fourni. Consultez l'Avertissement pour plus de détails sur les risques.
Bifrost Liquid Wave已突破100,000预约Adresse
Odaily Daily News Bifrost Liquid Wave is the pre-launch event of Bifrost Tokenomics 2.0, which started the reservation on October 23 and has now exceeded 100,000 addresses and officially entered the first LST minting phase. In this phase, users can accumulate WAVE points by minting Bifrost LST, and can continuously receive Airdrop rewards based on the number of WAVE points.