Odaily Planet Daily News: Ran Yi, founder of Orderly Network, expressed deep regret for the plight of the IBX community in a post on X platform, emphasizing that IBX has never been incubated. He also stated that the Orderly team has partial identity information of one of the IBX founders and will fully cooperate with the investigation needs of relevant law enforcement agencies if necessary. At the same time, legal actions are being considered against IBX and its founders for spreading misleading information in the name of Orderly, causing damage to its reputation.
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Réseau Ordonné : envisage des mesures légales contre IBX et ses fondateurs
Odaily Planet Daily News: Ran Yi, founder of Orderly Network, expressed deep regret for the plight of the IBX community in a post on X platform, emphasizing that IBX has never been incubated. He also stated that the Orderly team has partial identity information of one of the IBX founders and will fully cooperate with the investigation needs of relevant law enforcement agencies if necessary. At the same time, legal actions are being considered against IBX and its founders for spreading misleading information in the name of Orderly, causing damage to its reputation.