La banque numérique Zhongan annonce ses résultats semestriels: l'actif total atteint 20 milliards de dollars de Hong Kong, devenant la première banque de Hong Kong à réaliser un bénéfice mensuel.
Odaily Planet News According to the interim performance announced by Banque numérique, as of June 30, 2024, the total assets of Banque numérique increased by 43% to HKD 20 billion, making it the first digital bank in Hong Kong to achieve monthly profitability. According to public information, in terms of commercial banks, Banque numérique's new account opening volume increased by 60%, and currently has over 800,000 users, accounting for 13% of Hong Kong's bankable population. At the same time, more than half of the users have set ZA Bank as the default receiving bank for Faster Payment System (FPS), with a penetration rate of 25% among the young Z generation. In addition, after the Hong Kong Monetary Authority announced the list of stablecoin issuer sandbox participants, Banque numérique immediately announced that it will become the first local digital bank to provide exclusive reserve banking services for stablecoin issuers, and it is also one of the first banks in Hong Kong to provide such services. (aastocks)
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La banque numérique Zhongan annonce ses résultats semestriels: l'actif total atteint 20 milliards de dollars de Hong Kong, devenant la première banque de Hong Kong à réaliser un bénéfice mensuel.
Odaily Planet News According to the interim performance announced by Banque numérique, as of June 30, 2024, the total assets of Banque numérique increased by 43% to HKD 20 billion, making it the first digital bank in Hong Kong to achieve monthly profitability. According to public information, in terms of commercial banks, Banque numérique's new account opening volume increased by 60%, and currently has over 800,000 users, accounting for 13% of Hong Kong's bankable population. At the same time, more than half of the users have set ZA Bank as the default receiving bank for Faster Payment System (FPS), with a penetration rate of 25% among the young Z generation. In addition, after the Hong Kong Monetary Authority announced the list of stablecoin issuer sandbox participants, Banque numérique immediately announced that it will become the first local digital bank to provide exclusive reserve banking services for stablecoin issuers, and it is also one of the first banks in Hong Kong to provide such services. (aastocks)