Odaily星球日报讯 游戏链 MARBLEX 提出将所有游戏代币整合为 MBX Game Token(gMBXL)的提案,以提高用户便利性,并加强 MBX 生态的竞争力。
gMBXL will be exchanged with MBXL at a ratio of 1:1 and will be directly connected to the MBX ecosystem games. In order to promote the adoption of gMBXL and ensure stability, MARBLEX plans to provide support to game content providers.
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Odaily星球日报讯 游戏链 MARBLEX 提出将所有游戏代币整合为 MBX Game Token(gMBXL)的提案,以提高用户便利性,并加强 MBX 生态的竞争力。
gMBXL will be exchanged with MBXL at a ratio of 1:1 and will be directly connected to the MBX ecosystem games. In order to promote the adoption of gMBXL and ensure stability, MARBLEX plans to provide support to game content providers.