Golden Finance reported that Scam Sniffer posted on X platform to alert the community to be cautious about two new "honeypot" scams, 'AIOS' and 'BURP', on the Base chain, which may have backdoors. Previously, Scam Sniffer had warned of fraudulent tokens named 'NUDEAI' and 'MEGA' appearing on the Base chain, with the issuers leaving backdoors in 'transferFrom', allowing them to transfer assets without the owner's approval in the Billetera.
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Scam Sniffer: Cuidado con los dos nuevos "honeypot" Lavado de ojos Token "AIOS" y "BURP" en la cadena Base.
Golden Finance reported that Scam Sniffer posted on X platform to alert the community to be cautious about two new "honeypot" scams, 'AIOS' and 'BURP', on the Base chain, which may have backdoors. Previously, Scam Sniffer had warned of fraudulent tokens named 'NUDEAI' and 'MEGA' appearing on the Base chain, with the issuers leaving backdoors in 'transferFrom', allowing them to transfer assets without the owner's approval in the Billetera.